• Working Hours 9:00 - 17:30


AudItor TraInIng

BRCGS Lead Auditor Training

This training aims to provide the delegates with the Lead Auditor competencies for not only implementing auditing principles but also leading, managing audit/ audit team and managing conflicts as per the BRCGS Global Food Standard requirements.

All individuals who would like to establish a system in accordance with the standard requirements and bring their systems ready for an audit, provide consultancy/ consultants and conduct audits or want to become an auditor.

Course Assessment
At the end of the training all participants should take an online exam over the accounts they have. Exam language is English. Participants whose native language is not English are given additional time when they define this situation in the system. Success score is 75%. In case of fail from the first exam, they could have 2 more times to have the exam. Delegates who have fully attended the course, would have "Certificate of Participation". When they also achieve 75% score from the exam, they would be entitled to have "Certificate of Achievement".

Tülay Kahraman


Course Duration:
5 Days

Please contact us via info@prozitif.com for more information.