• Working Hours 9:00 - 17:30

Innovatıon and Project

Management Consultancy

Keep in mind that the companies master in innovation and project management
will thrive in the market

Companies who are successful in designing their innovation process and managing projects wisely, are the masters in selling the most desired products.

We are here to help you shape your innovation process to your needs and manage your projects faster, better and smarter.

Let your right product land on the right market with the right timing, reaching your consumer through the right channel, with the desired quality.


This phase is to understand the current process and understanding the bugs. Assessment is completed in two phases:
- Documentation and tools review
- Interviews with the owner and main stakeholders of the process


This phase is to define the opportunities, quick wins as well as mid/long term solutions. It is supported by facilitating a workshop with the main stakeholders to get alignment on improvement areas. Innovation cycle is redesigned, and project management tools are defined. Communication and training plans are prepared.


This phase is to test and implement the new cycle as well as the project management tool.

Please contact us via info@prozitif.com for more information.