• Working Hours 9:00 - 17:30

Partnershıp ın

Problem Solvıng

We provide you with customized solutions through a tool called 3D

We hear our customers asking the following questions:

We are here to support you by taking a 3D approach:

Diagnosis Phase

We assess your food safety and quality management system from top to bottom and identify strengths and improvement opportunities. To help the process, we deploy a specialized assessment tool and perform interviews with the employees as needed. At this stage, specific issue is also defined, if this is required.

Design Phase

We analyze the outcome of the diagnosis and work closely with you to understand your expectations to provide possible solutions. We think that there is no “one solution fits all”. Every company is unique, the design proposal should fit the nature of business.

Deployment Phase

We work with you to test the designed solution and support you for deployment by providing tools for communication, training and implementation.

Please contact us via info@prozitif.com for more information.